Saturday, 7 April 2012


1) Activate the system
Figure 25: Prototype System

Figure 26: LCD display upon activating the system

Figure 27: LCD display upon GSM Modem is ready to operate
Figure 25-27 shows the system prototype and LCD display when the system is activated and ready to operate. The prototype is activated when the 9Vdc power is applied to the control board and 6Vdc power is applied to the GSM Modem.
2) 1st RCCB Trip
Figure 28: LCD display upon Earth Fault occur

Figure 29: SMS receive upon the trip condition

Figure 28 and 29 shows the LCD display when an earth fault has occurred and trip the 1st RCCB. The system sends a SMS to the user to report the tripping and reply command to switch on the Backup RCCB.
3) Backup RCCB Triggered
Figure 30: User SMS Reply Command

Figure 31: LCD display upon switching on the Backup RCCB

Figure 32: SMS receive upon the Backup RCCB successfully energize
Figure 30-32 shows the SMS reply from the user to switching on the Backup RCCB. When the Backup RCCB successfully triggered, LCD will display “B.RCCB TRIGGERED” while at the same time GSM Modem will sends SMS to the user to inform the status of Backup RCCB.

1 comment:

  1. Assalamualaikum..cik boleh sya mntak detail coding, pcb board design dan schematic utk projek ni...trima ksih...
