Friday, 27 January 2012

Review on other project: GSM Control Project

This GSM Control project is about controlling the home appliances such as bulb, fan, motor and etc. The concept and technology used is similar but different device controlled. 

Thursday, 26 January 2012

2nd FYP Briefing

  1. Prof. Zul had explain on fyp systematic management by slides.
  2. Discussion by phone with advisor about changing the title of fyp from "Fault Power Home Device Using GSM" into "Home Distribution Backup Power via GSM".
  3. The new title has been approved.  

    Thursday, 19 January 2012

    1st FYP Briefing

    In the first fyp briefing, all student are required to have a blog for a new way of presenting weekly progress and Sir Ismail Adam had presented the way of doing fyp in a systematic way.